Levin guitar. Mistet klangen,hjælp ?

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New member
Hey har min fars gamle guitar,men det er som om at den har mistet klangen og ved ikke om den har haft mere klang end den har nu. ?
Skiftede strenge til martin medium,og det har ikke rigtig hjulpet,troede måske det kunne være det.

Det er fuldkasse guitar så den burde have en god klang/bass.
Har et link til en test så i kan høre.
Men har ikke spillet så længe så håber i kan bruge testen til noget.
Mvh: Troels


Hvis i kan se det er der en lille flænge i venstre side,pga min far engang lagde sig på den i en brandert,men har snakket med nogen og de siger det ikke betyder noget.

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New member
Hey,i have my dad's old guitar, but it is as though it has lost the sound and do not know whether when it had a more sound than it has now. ?
I changed strings: martin medium, and it has not really helped, just maybe it could be.

Its a full box guitar so it should have a good sound / bass.
Have a link to a test so you can hear.
But have not played as long so im not sure about you can use the test.


If you can see it is a small gash on the left side, because my father once lay down on it in an inebriated, but have talked to somebody and they said it does not mean anything.



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