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    Frederik Magle


Langlais - 5 Meditations on the Apocalypse


New member
I've recently begun the first movement of the fantastic work, "He who hath ears let him hear," and I have never had so much trouble trying to find good fingering for a piece of music! I wish had had specific measures, but quite honestly all of them are giving me issues. I've managed to get through most of the first page (leduc edition), but the second and third page are presenting many problems. Has anyone played this piece and have any advice on developing good fingering??


New member
It's partly because composers run out of names. Could someone please explain how you "meditate" on the Apocolypse?

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Good luck in getting through the Langlais - Its a bear of a piece...

Dll927, I believe you know what "Meditations" mean in the context of that organ work. The Apocalypse refers to the Book of Revelations by St. John the Evangelist, from the Greek "Apokalypsis". After I played that work I thought that a better title would be "Five Contemplations on the Apocalypse." The Book, however, was written for Nations in the time of Great Trouble and Trial.


Admiral of Fugues
yeah - contemplations may have been a better choice do you think?, but I'd need to see the French original, must search for it!