Key changes


New member
Can anyone suggest some nice key changes...

Currently I'm composing for my GCSE and apparently I stay in the same key all the time. Im supposed to write a sonata and obviously I can't develope the music without any key changes...

Everything just sounds so wrong....



Maybe change to the relative key of the one you are in, minor or major? Or use the circle of fifths?


New member
Sorry, but am I not making myself clear:
'I stay in the same key all the time. Im supposed to write a sonata and obviously I can't develope the music without any key changes...'

But I need chords in between to make the key change sound right. For example a perfect cadencial ending sounds nice and alright with I IIb V7 I. I just need to find a nice key change between chords and so it flows along nicely (not so sudden)...


Staff member
Beethoven's Sonata No 14 in C Shap Minor (Moonlight Sonata) is a wonderful example of cadential sounding chord progressions.

I am assuming that your desired chordal progressions are much more than the basic I, IV, V, I.

Can you give us an example of the chord (key) you are starting in and to which chord (key) you desire to end up in? Having this information might help the other posters in their returning response.

You can google 'gcse forums' for additional information that may be of help to you in this endeavor. I do applaud your interest in completing this GCSE project.