Onsdag den 26. marts 2003, kl. 19.30 holder jeg koncert i Ans kirke (Jylland) i forbindelse med orglets 10-års jubilæum.
Programmet vil bestå af værker af J.S. Bach, egne værker samt improvisation. Entré: 50 kr.
English translation:
On Wednesday the 26th of march at 7:30 pm, I give a concert in Ans Church, Jutland. The concert is a celebration of the organs 10-year jubilee. The program consists of my own works and works by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Programmet vil bestå af værker af J.S. Bach, egne værker samt improvisation. Entré: 50 kr.
English translation:
On Wednesday the 26th of march at 7:30 pm, I give a concert in Ans Church, Jutland. The concert is a celebration of the organs 10-year jubilee. The program consists of my own works and works by Johann Sebastian Bach.