Jesus Wants Me for a Laserbeam (new tune)


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
err yup. there's plenty on my website..

i take it that you dont like it :(
On the contrary old chap it is not my favorite kind of music and I am not qualified to be judgmental but it is as good as any that I have heard :cool:


New member
Ah thanks, thats encouraging. My ultimate aim is to improve my composing abilities and to possibly write something as inspirational as Kraftwerk or early Jean Michel Jarre.

There is a tug of war between my influences and myself. Am I just a logical result of my own influences? Like a programmed robot? Or is there a real individual self somewhere inside all the impressionable grey matter? It is hard to tell.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
We are what we are, we are programed that way good or bad :)