I don't like making comparisons.
I remember how bad I felt when I was a teenager, when girls said I looked like Paul McCartney.
It's a good thing I can't make any here, seeing and feeling something new.
When I say something new, it's seeing a video on a computer that is totally compelling.
The music makes me want to dance and play along, and I'm feeling a very restrained sexuality,
and feeling it is the important part of those words.
The visuals... what makes it an artistic video, not seeing musicians, might be my favorite.
Making comparisons would be mentioning other videos that made a deep impression,
but that could have been just a scene, just a concept, not a visual journey as all these videos are.
Sitting here watching this small screen, listening through small speakers, gets lost,
as I get lost in the music, the visuals, and the eye and hand motions... all the emotions...
"It was cold". It's not any more.