Introducing sqrt


New member
Hi everyone,

Though it is largely against my shyness to introduce myself, here goes.
As the name suggests, I study mathematics.
I like all sorts of music, and I write some every once in a while.
My instruments are: classical singing (soprano), pop & jazz singing, composing, piano (classical, I guess) and accoustic guitar (not really classical, I guess). Well, uhm... the guitar and piano I play for my own fun and not in public. Their primary value to me is as tools for composing.

I hope this is explicit enough.



Staff member
:wave: Hello, Eva :wave:

Welcome to Magle Int'l Music Forums. Your introduction is nicely done, and we appreciate knowing about your interests. No need to be shy here ... this is a very friendly community, and we are glad to have you aboard here. :tiphat:


Hi Eva :)

Ok, square root! I interpreted your user name as squirt, thinking perhaps you were short. :p

Anyway, nice to meet you; have a great time here!


New member
Hi Eva! You are pretty much like myself. I used to be shy but not
any more! I've had to break out of that and start making friends
if I wanted a life. I like many kinds of music. In fact I was listening
to Mexican styled music just now since it has finally stopped with
the flamico guitars and a harp. I also play the guitar and other
instruments just to entertain myself.
judy tooley


New member
Hi Eva,

Its nice to have you join the forum, im sure you'll find it quite interesting.

Welcome and enjoy ;)


Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret.)
Hi Eva :tiphat:

You´re most welcome at the MIMF. From your short biography, I can tell you you´ll do fine here, shy or not, everybody else have. These higly professional musicians of any instrument from the pipe organ, over the bag pipes to the guitar syntheziser, are all people like yourself searching for new inspiration. All of them friendly people, who have one thing (at least) in common, they looooooove to share musical experiences and to welcome newbie´s like you, as you can see.

So you see, there is no whatsdoever reason for you to be shy or to limit youself in any way, since they are all mostly like you - individuals from all over the world, wishing to discuss music and share musical experiences in any style equally - musically speaking.

So I am happy for you that you found our site, the MIMF. This will be your second home.

Have fun!!