Hung Parliament


Staff member
I had to see what this was about ... apparently this last happened in 1974 where neither major party had control over the House of Commons (?).

The BBC had a good (short) article about it here with a 5 slide graphics presentation.

I echo the sentiment to hang all politicians ... they are worthless to me ... here in the US they vote to give themselves unrealistic raises each year, and then vote to give us pensioners a 1.7% raise as the cost of medical insurance has risen 14%, as mine has.

Hang 'em all ... :cheers:


House of commons is the lower assembly, = house of representatives; the house of Lords is the upper. = Senate (I think I've got that the right way round). Main difference is the House of lords is not an elected body, it consists of hereditary peers and some appointed for the duration of their life, usually nominated by a prime minister from members of his political party plus some for services to the community or the arts, plus the Arch bishops and bishops of the Church of England.