Hi everyone

John Curtin

New member
Hello members of the Magle music forums. My name is Tom, I live in Perth, Western Australia, and I play the violin. I enjoy listening to (depending on my mood and tolerance levels) pretty much any music, although I tend to 'not get' ridiculously over-the-top macho testosterone-fueled stuff (like, for instance, rap-metal. Nothing against rap or metal themselves, I just don't think they make a happy couple); I suspect this is because I am not 13 years old.

Anyway, I mainly listen to 'classical' music because it's pretty darn interesting and you get some folks who do some cool stuff with harmony and form and noise and all that nonsense, it is also often very fun to listen to; I mainly listen to 'pop' music because it is fun and I sometimes like to dance (badly, drunk, etc) to it, and also because now and then they do some cool stuff with noise and harmony and form and all that.



Staff member
:wave: Hi John Curtin,

Glad to have you aboard here at MIMF. Hmmm, noise and harmony ... interesting observation about pop music - I've not heard that definition before ... I kinda like it :grin:.

What works are you currently playing or working on, in respect to the violin?

John Curtin

New member
I unfortunately just missed the most recent concert my orchestra put on (a little friendly relaxed community-based thing) because it fell right in the middle of my university exams, so I'm waiting in anticipation of getting my hands on some new music for the next one. Other than that I just fiddle around on it without any real goal other than amusing myself which is good enough for me :grin: