Hello from Tasmania Australia


New member
Just to balance the information levels with those who introduce themselves with a "hey and a ho and a hey, hey ho" here is a more detailed statement.(no I am not applying for a job; I am retired from the being-jobbed world.


2005-2000-Writer/Poet: George Town Tasmania
-Program Presenter, City Park Radio, Launceston
2004-1999-Tutor and/or President: George Town School for Seniors Inc
1999-1988 -Lecturer in General Studies(1996-1988);
Lecturer in Human Services, West Australian Department of Training
1987-1986 -Acting Lecturer in Management Studies and Co-ordinator of Further Education Unit at Hedland College in South Hedland, WA.
1985-1982 -Adult Educator, Open College of Tafe, Katherine, NT
1981 -Maintenance Scheduler, Renison Bell, Zeehan, Tasmania
1980 -Editor, External Studies Unit, Tasmanian CAE & Resource Centre Association, Launceston
1979 -Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour, Tasmanian CAE &
Radio Journalist ABC, Launceston
1978-1976 -Lecturer in Social Sciences & Humanities, Ballarat CAE, Ballarat
1975 - Lecturer in Behavioural Studies, Whitehorse Technical College, Box Hill, Victoria
1974 -Senior Tutor in Education Studies, Tasmanian CAE, Launceston
1973-1972 -High School Teacher, South Australian Education Department
1971-1969 -Primary School Teacher, Prince Edward County Board of Education, Picton, Ontario, Canada
1968-67 -Community Teacher, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Frobisher Bay, NWT, Canada
1967-59 -Summer jobs from grade 10 to end of university
1967-1949 - Attended 2 primary schools, 2 high schools and 2 universities in Canada: McMaster Uni:1963-1966, Windsor T’s College: 1966/7.
1963-1944 -Childhood(1944-57) and adolescence(1957-63) in and around Hamilton Ontario.


I have been married for 37 years. My wife is a Tasmanian, aged 58. We’ve had 3 children: ages in 2005-39, 35 and 28. I am 60, a Canadian who moved to Australia in 1971 and have written 3 books--all available on the internet. I retired from part-time teaching in 2004 and full-time teaching in 1999 after 30 years in classrooms. In addition, I have been a member of the Baha’i Faith for 45 years. Bio-data: 6ft, 225 lbs, eyes/hair-brown, Caucasian. See my website for more details at: http://bahaipioneering.bahaisite.com/ and go to any search engine and type: ‘Pioneering Over Four Epochs’ or ‘RonPrice Poetry’ for additional writings.


New member
  1. :cool:EMPLOYMENT & SOCIAL ROLES: 1944-2008
I thought I had introduced myself here but there does not seem to be any evidence in the files here.-Ron Price, Tasmania​

1999-2008-Writer/Poet/Retired Teacher: George Town Tasmania
2002-2005-Program Presenter, City Park Radio, Launceston
1999-2004-Tutor and/or President: George Town School for Seniors Inc
1988-1999 -Lecturer in General Studies and Human Services West Australian Department of Training
1986-1987 -Acting Lecturer in Management Studies and Co-ordinator of Further Education Unit at Hedland College in South Hedland, WA.
1982-1985 -Adult Educator, Open College of Tafe, Katherine, NT
1981 -Maintenance Scheduler, Renison Bell, Zeehan, Tasmania
1980-Unemployed: Bi-Polar Disability
1979 -Editor, External Studies Unit, Tasmanian CAE; Youth Worker, Resource Centre Association, Launceston;
Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour, Tasmanian CAE; Radio Journalist ABC, Launceston
1976-1978 -Lecturer in Social Sciences & Humanities, Ballarat CAE, Ballarat
1975 - Lecturer in Behavioural Studies, Whitehorse Technical College, Box Hill, Victoria
1974 -Senior Tutor in Education Studies, Tasmanian CAE, Launceston
1972-1973 -High School Teacher, South Australian Education Department
1971 Primary School Teacher, Whyalla SA, Australia
1969-1971 Primary School Teacher, Prince Edward County Board of Education, Picton, Ontario, Canada
1969 Systems Analyst, Bad Boy Co. Ltd., Toronto Ontario
1967-68 -Community Teacher, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Frobisher Bay(Iqaluit), NWT, Canada
1959-67 -Summer jobs from grade 9 to end of university
1949-1967 - Attended 2 primary schools, 2 high schools and 2 universities in Canada: McMaster Uni:1963-1966, Windsor T’s College: 1966/7.
1944-1963 -Childhood(1944-57) and adolescence(1957-63) in and around Hamilton Ontario.

2. SOME SOCIO-BIO-DATA(as of: 2008):cool:

I have been married for 41 years. My wife is a Tasmanian, aged 60. We’ve had 3 children: ages in 2008-42, 38 and 31. I am 64, a Canadian who moved to Australia in 1971 and have written 3 books--all available on the internet. I retired from full-time teaching in 1999, from part-time teaching in 2003 and from volunteer/casual teaching/work in 2005 after 35 years in classrooms. In addition, I have been a member of the Baha’i Faith for 49 years. Bio-data: 6ft, 225 lbs, eyes/hair-brown, Caucasian. See my website for more details at: http://www.users.on.net/~ronprice/ or go the google search engine and type: RonPrice(no space), Pioneering RonPrice, RonPrice Poetry, RonPrice Bahá’í, RonPrice History,(philosophy, religion, media studies, politics, inter alia)--for additional writings.
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Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret.)
Mr. Ron Price aka Bahaichap:tiphat::clap::banana::trp:

Without any comparison at all to earlier introductions from various mimfer´s, I have had the true pleasure to read including your website, your´s is the most profound and extended of intro´s, I have seen here.

From you intro, I can only say - Hats of :tiphat::clap::banana::trp: to you, in the most admirable words I can muster (almost speechless). You haven´t been bored for much time during both your educational life as a teacher, as well as all the rest of your adult life with a lot of various activities around young people during your life and as a writer and poet, speaker on a radio station? etc. etc. etc.

And yet, you managed what not many people have in all our very busy day to day lives around the world, to keep a marriage going for 41 years in a row. She, your wife, must be a beautiful human being and a very close and good tolerent friend, perhaps eternal love at first sight?

Welcome here at the MIMF.
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New member

I agree with Intet, a wonderful introduction.

Welcome to the forum, do feel free to join in.



Staff member
Welcome back, Ron Price ...

I've copied your initial introductory posting to the head of this thread ... just to keep it all together, so to speak. Both are wonderful introductions.


John Watt

Taking Tasmania to task.

Mr. Ron Price; G'day! I see your outreach here. And I have been many places where you have been, as B'hai and a Southern Ontario resident. Am I right to see your life resume, where there is no musical experience, on this music domain? I have two t-shirts I wear in the house. One, from Amnesty International, and the other from Australia on right now, depicting the great dreaming of the beginning of the world. Maybe this combination of similarities and singularities we share motivates me beyond my ken, but I'm suggesting to you, please, look at Kijiji.ca, a free community domain, to see Hamilton or any area you can get a feel for by observing many types of public output. You might try Classmates.com to find people from your educational past.

The Price family is one of the founding families of Welland, given land by The English, with the oldest cemetary. I went to school with many Price kids and was in a band with Eric Price. Do you have any Watt associations?

as always, John Watt. tuneUupL8r!


New member
That Was the Warmest of Welcomes

Some find my intros "over-the-top" as they say these days. But the warm welcome here helped to balance the negative reactions that inevitably come from active internet posting. I belong to Classmates and have for several years with many helpful pieces of nostalgia as a result--coming my way from old friends and students-known and unkown.

Welland, ah yes, I used to fill slot-machines for the Dundas Slot-Machine Company in Welland and other towns in southern Ontario back around 1960. Two marriages(8 and 34 years respectively) have helped me survive the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and much of it has, indeed, been outrageous.(google Ron Price bipolar disorder for a long read of this fortune). I'll drop in here during these middle years(65-75) of late adulthood(60-80) and old age(80++), if I last that long.-Ron Price, George Town, Tasmania, Australia's oldest town.
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