Happy Easter!


New member
Wishing everyone to whom it means something, a very 'Happy Easter'! Enjoy the music, the eggs and the springtime ....... unless of course you're 'down under', in which case your eggs might be hidden under a carpet of leaves! :grin:


New member
^^ Same to you... but the native trees here don't drop their leaves, it doesn't get cold enough.

Easter bunnies are just as popular here as anywhere else. There have been attempts to promote alternatives. The thing is, the rabbit is an extremely unwelcome import to this country, the multiply like - well, rabbits, and have done untold damage to the agricultural industry. A few years ago some choccie makers tried to promote the "Easter Bilby" as a homegrown alternative (a bilby is a native Australian animal considered to be a threatened species. It was a noble idea, but the Easter Bilby never really took off.