Favourite Mahler symphony


New member
Gustav Mahler wrote 9 spectacular symphonies and an Adagio for a tenth.I wonder which one do you like most?
Personally my favourite is the Tragic(No.6) with Resurrection(No.2) close second.

Art Rock

Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
I love most of them (the 8th would be the exception), but if I had to choose it would be the fourth just ahead of the ninth.
Das Lied von der Erde should be mentioned as well - and would top even his regular symphonies for me.

Frederik Magle

Staff member
Well, they are all dear to me, but the 8th (contrary to you Art Rock?) holds a special place with me, so if I had to pick one favorite that would probably be it.


New member
The Ninth. The opening movement alone dictates my choice. Throw in the rest of the work . . .


I like #6 very much. It excites me every time I hear it, even though #9 is arguably a more accomplished work of art... I guess it depends on what mood I am in hehe...

Mahler symphonies are a bit like Schubert's piano sonatas... they are beautiful and exciting, but at times a little bit too much of a good thing... perhaps they are out of synch with 21st century way of life... there is just not enough time...


New member
I love them all but especially the 4th, it is such heavenly, uplifting music and then the 6th. also amongst his other works, kindertotenlieder is marvellous. maybe because i mostly lean towards melancholy music.