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    Frederik Magle


Doubtful and spurious organ works in BWV!!!

yury habrus

Dear participants of the forum! Could anybody inform me about the printed or edited sources of dubios organ works in BWV?!

For example 743-765, 597, 580,581 or BWV Anh. 42-79, 177-184?

Thomas Dressler

New member
What would you like to know? Are you interested in finding printed scores, or are you asking about the copies the printed music is based on?

yury habrus

I`m interested more in printed scores... But in the case of BWV Anh. works I`ll glad to receive references on possibly made recordings.

Thomas Dressler

New member
Are you familiar with The Digital Bach Edition by CD Sheet Music? This is the complete BG edition of Bach's works and for $80 it's pretty inexpensive. They also have the complete BG edition of the organ works for $19. These would include works which were attributed to Bach in the 19th century when the edition was made. You can find them at http://www.cdsheetmusic.com.

Is this what you mean?

yury habrus

Thank you. I know and possess the complete BG edition of the organ works for $19. But it's a pity, but this is NOT complete edition. Perhaps organ solo disk. There is no there not only most of attributions, but also some definitely works of Bach like canonic variations "Vom Himmel hoch". I don't know, but it seems to me, that this edition of BG is slightly shortened. Because I know that doubtful partita "Herr Jesu Christ, der einige gottes Sohn" or spurious Fantasia and fugue in A minor BWV 561 were published there. And there is no them on CD.

Thomas Dressler

New member
I looked at my DVD of the complete works (everything) and you're right--many of the BWV numbers you listed in your initial posting are not included on the DVD. One or two are on it, but many are not. I surely am not familiar with all aspects of Bach research, so I'm not sure what to tell you. I don't know if those pieces were omitted from the original BG edition or if they were left off the DVD. I believe the DVD is complete. I don't play from the NBA edition for various reasons although I have considered buying a set, so I can't say if those pieces are in that edition.

I'm curious though about your studies--what is your interest in these pieces? Perhaps they should be brought out. I have sometimes thought that the pieces mistakenly attributed to Bach have to be pretty good pieces to have been mistaken, and may not be worthy of the oblivion they suffer just because they are not by Bach.