Do You Want A Quick Trip?


New member
I guess Stephen can tell you better than I, but there is a bridge some
where near Clearwater,Fla. that is at least five miles long. My parents
took me through there when I was a kid on vacation. It's just you,
the road with ocean water on both sides for miles.
judy tooley


New member
Wow CD, two very interesting videos. What a long tunnel, I have only been through fairly short ones. There is a tunnel a few miles away that we went through, but that was a tunnel over a canal, and we were on a canal boat. it seemed very long because we were going very slow, and we had to wear waterproofs because water was dripping down.

The second video I would like to see slowed down.



New member
Hi Judy,
You might be thinking of the Tampa Skyway bridge that is 4 miles long over the bay coming in to Tampa. Further south (southernmost) is the 7 mile bridge from the lower Keys to Key West. The first time I drove over it I had "white knuckles" but eventually did get used to it. The water is very shallow at that point; you have probably seen in several movies (one of them is True Lies).

As for tunnels, the longest one I have been through was the "chunnel" but I thought it quite a boring ride as there is nothing to see. Even when coming out the end in Calais it was still boring due to the high berms built on both sides. I like to watch the scenery, especially on train rides. I love the trains in Europe, but the Eurostar had to be perhaps the worst trip...especially after all the hype about it. To me, the TGV rocks. I look forward one day (hopefully) to a trip on the Orient Express and the Royal Scottsman.



New member
So you guys actually watched the video from the beginning to the end? cause I was not blessed with so much patience!!! ;)


New member
Tampons indeed

We have a place in the UK called Goole, does that make the people who live there Goolies?
