I'm hearing a Korg "wave" machine, maybe even one of the first ones, still getting around.
The "flute" sample sounds like it's had a "breath" sound added, more tribal and clannish than classical.
Try collecting that royalty.
In the early 70's Niagara Peninsula, it was the American Federation of Musicians downfall.
The Union insisted on collecting dues based on the number of musicians onstage.
They counted the numbers of instrumental voices as listed on synthesizers as musicians,
and wanted dues paid accordingly. A one-man band with a synth could pay dues for 34 musicians.
That made a lot of rock bands, the most popular paid acts out there, quit immediately.
This astringent approach lost out big time, as synthesized to merely sampled music took over media.
Another reason for "old wave" musicians to get around.
Hey! I live in Southern Ontario. Even the snow, falling on barn roofs, has a harpsichord function.