Daniel Amos or Terry S. Taylor


Checking for a favorite band's website.
They said Denmark is the 9th most frequent country in their database.

Anyone familiar with the band "Daniel Amos" or with Terry S. Taylor's music?
I've pasted in their complete list:

#1 - Canada
#2 - The UK
#3 - Australia
#4 - The Netherlands
#5 - Germany
#6 - Sweden
#7 - New Zealand
#8 - Norway
#9 - Denmark
#10 - Japan
#11 - Poland
#12 - Israel
#13 - Spain
#14 - Switzerland
#15 - Finland
#16 - Italy
#17 - Czech Republic
#18 - France
#19 - Ireland
#20 - South Africa
#21 - Austria
#22 - Brazil
#23 - Slovakia
#24 - Scotland
#25 - Slovenia
#26 - Hungary
#27 - Croatia
#28 - Thailand
#29 - Iceland
#30 - Taiwan
#31 - Belgium
#32 - Morocco
#33 - China
#34 - Venezuela
#35 - Kazakhastan
#36 - Chile
#37 - Turkey
#38 - Greece
#39 - Russia
#40 - South Korea