Ouled Nails
New member
Last year, several music forums paid tribute to Mozart and to Shostakovich, in commemoration of their respective years of birth. I am posting this new thread first to identify numerous composer anniversaries in 2007, including two composers from Denmark, second to create a space for those of you who would like to pay tribute to any one of the following composers and some of their most noteworthy pieces of work. I, for one, do intend to return to this thread with additional messages throughout the course of the year.
Badings, Henk (born 1907)
Boddecker, Philipp F. (b. 1607)
Bergstrom, Carl Axel (died, 1907)
Braga, Gaetano (d. 1907)
Buxtehude, Dieterich (d. 1707)
Cioffi, Giuseppe (b. 1907)
Daetwyler, Jean (b. 1907)
Douglas, Roy (b. 1907)
Ellstein, Abraham (b. 1907)
Fischer, John Carl Christian (d. 1807)
Fukai, Shiro (b. 1907)
Gigault, Nicola (d. 1707)
Grieg, Edvard (d. 1907)
Groendhal, Agathe Backer (d. 1907)
Guarnieri, Camargo (b. 1907)
Hellmesberger, Joseph, jr. (d. 1907)
Joachim, Joseph (d. 1907)
Keil, Alfredo (d. 1907)
Lachner, Ignaz (b. 1807)
Langlais, Jean (b. 1907)
Li, Jinguanq (b. 1907)
Matsudaira, Yoritsune (b. 1907)
Miller, Bruce Edward (d. 1807)
McGranahan, James (d. 1907)
Mortensen, Otto (b. 1907, Denmark)
Neruda, Johann Baptist Georg (b. 1707)
Partos, Oedoen (b. 1907)
Rozsa, Miklos (b. 1907)
Rung, Henrik (b. 1807, Denmark)
Said, Zubin (b. 1907)
Serra, Joaquim (b. 1907)
Solovyov Sedoy, Vasily Pavlovich (b. 1907)
Stieler, Caspar (D. 1707)
Taylor, Cyril Vincent (b. 1907)
Vaqueiras, Raimbault de (d. 1207)
Webster, Paul Francis (b. 1907)
Wilder, Alec (b. 1907)
Badings, Henk (born 1907)
Boddecker, Philipp F. (b. 1607)
Bergstrom, Carl Axel (died, 1907)
Braga, Gaetano (d. 1907)
Buxtehude, Dieterich (d. 1707)
Cioffi, Giuseppe (b. 1907)
Daetwyler, Jean (b. 1907)
Douglas, Roy (b. 1907)
Ellstein, Abraham (b. 1907)
Fischer, John Carl Christian (d. 1807)
Fukai, Shiro (b. 1907)
Gigault, Nicola (d. 1707)
Grieg, Edvard (d. 1907)
Groendhal, Agathe Backer (d. 1907)
Guarnieri, Camargo (b. 1907)
Hellmesberger, Joseph, jr. (d. 1907)
Joachim, Joseph (d. 1907)
Keil, Alfredo (d. 1907)
Lachner, Ignaz (b. 1807)
Langlais, Jean (b. 1907)
Li, Jinguanq (b. 1907)
Matsudaira, Yoritsune (b. 1907)
Miller, Bruce Edward (d. 1807)
McGranahan, James (d. 1907)
Mortensen, Otto (b. 1907, Denmark)
Neruda, Johann Baptist Georg (b. 1707)
Partos, Oedoen (b. 1907)
Rozsa, Miklos (b. 1907)
Rung, Henrik (b. 1807, Denmark)
Said, Zubin (b. 1907)
Serra, Joaquim (b. 1907)
Solovyov Sedoy, Vasily Pavlovich (b. 1907)
Stieler, Caspar (D. 1707)
Taylor, Cyril Vincent (b. 1907)
Vaqueiras, Raimbault de (d. 1207)
Webster, Paul Francis (b. 1907)
Wilder, Alec (b. 1907)