

Admiral of Fugues
Well, it's only take 40 years but I finally sat down on Saturday with my parnter and watched all four odd hours of Liz Taylor's epic waste of time and money "Cleopatra".

If THAT weren't enough, we then watched the almost two hour documentary on the making of Cleopatra which was FAR more fascinating. Shame they cut out those two hours of shoot. Obviously Ms Taylor's best acting was in these cut out bits. Afterall, she did go to London to see the British premier and then promptly went to the Ladies' Room and threw up.

Worth buying the 3CD set for the one and only blooper: where they prod the snake, to make it move, in the near final scene to slither across the floor of the tomb.

Visually: amazing
Music: lush and beautiful
Acting: good
Continuity: dreadful

in my humble opinion


I think I liked the grandeur of the production and many beautiful scenes.. I agree acting not always the best in many places.. but over all I enjoyed the film ( more than once ) kind of like the Ten Commandants, Ben Hur and other epic pictures ..."Long but Worth It" ( the good old days....)


Admiral of Fugues
Mr Bill - I found Ms Taylor's acting strangely compelling really, despite the frightful "Cleopatra-esque" eye makeup.


New member
I saw that movie in Chicago in 1963, and have precious little recollection of what it was even all about. But then, I'm a miserable movie fan. Never was much interested in fiction. Liz and Burton were so busy making hoopie it's a wonder they even got around to the film.

The same summer, I saw Lawrence of Arabia in Madison WI, and don't much remember that one, either. Don't think I've bothered with either one since then. Both of them were rather long, and "Cleopatra" is supposed to be up there someplace in the record books for cost, and maybe also for audience.

But like I said I don't spend much time watching movies, so I'm no pro at such endeavors. If you're interested in such things, keep up with Richard Corliss in TIME magazine. He seems to sped an AWFUL LOT of time watching movies.