Christian the Lion Remembers


New member
I have nad the same experience with a turtle and you know how little
the brain of a reptile is. I let a pet turtle out in the wild when he
got to big for me to keep him. He was one of those little petstore
turtles. It just fit the palm of my hand when I got it. When It got
too big for it's habitat, I let him out in the wild behind my house where
there was a small ditch. Four years later it showed at my back door
and this turtle was huge! He didn't forget where to go though to find
something to eat. I guess the turtle was hungry. Anyway I was glad
to see it.
judy tooley


New member
They seem to know what you are saying to them. Even my hermit crabs.
They look at me with those buggy eyes and use their antennas like they
are listening and communicating with me. They understand when I talk
about their claws and tuck them so they can't pinch. They chirp when
they are happy or growl when they get mad.
judy tooley


New member
So do I. Well, at least I used to in Fort Lauderdale. I would go out into my vast gardens every night around midnight with a flashlight. I would inspect every plant for bugs, fungus, etc. (felt like a CSI). I would talk nicely to the plants and ones that didn't look so good I would scold and tell them if they didn't perk up soon then it was into the compost bin for them!

I would spray hormones on them, force feed them, even supplied them with bat guano. When I would find aphids, I would order 2000 lady buds from Planet Natural and release them to chomp away. I also sprayed everything with Garlic Guard and Plant Soap made from seaweed. (I hate chemicals and so do our pets, and I like to be kind to the environment) It was also not unusual for me to leave the outside stereo on for them during the day (classical, of course). They all rewarded me with thriving and looking absolutely gorgeous. I'll locate some pics and post them. I once had tomato plants (beefsteak) that I took the seeds from a salad when my grandfather had brought tomatoes back from New Jersey. The plants, three of them grew to be 14 feet tall. I had to keep building scaffolding to support them. I had a bounty of over 300 tomatoes from those 3 plants. The neighbors loved getting gifts from our garden.



New member
In the UK people laugh at Prince Charles, because he talks to plants. I was told to talk to them, so they would grow better. Unfortunately whatever I did the plants seemed to die. I don't know what the opposite of green fingers is, but I have them.



New member
Hi Stephen

I am sure you will soon have it looking nice. Plants can make such a difference.



New member
All of my plants are inside. I don't have that much of a yard since I
live in this apartment. Here is a picture of two different pets.