Capitão Fausto - Amor, a Nossa Vida (piano intro)

John Watt

Oh! This reminds me of this Portuguese girlfriend I once had.
It's not that she was short, we just had a short relationship.
The owner of the highway bar I was playing at suggested I show up with my guitar for the lunch buffet.
He said I could eat for free if I did that, as long as I mingled with the customers.
I know the tingle of mingle for the single... and the jingle, even the jangle, of singing for my supper.
Paula, and I can't remember her last name, was one of the buffet waitresses.
I'd give her a ride back to her apartment when she was done, a nice reason for me to have to go.

I had to ask what an attractive girl like her was doing coming to Canada and living all alone.
She said she lived in a small village and had a baby, and that created enough of a problem for her to leave.
I was surprised to hear her call her country backwards, when I think of Portugal as the sea-faring empire it used to be.

I don't understand the thread title enough to look up this piece of music,
so I hope you finish it some day.
Via con dios, or if you need to, manda bala.

John Watt

I've been down on myself ever since this last posting,
because I couldn't remember Paula, the Portuguese girls' last name.
I woke up this morning thinking about her.
Paula Degroote or Degrout, something like that, just hearing it, not seeing it.
Jeff Healey, a famous Canadian guitarist, started out by hanging out in this club.