Cantabile: Cortege & Danse Macabre and Carillon MP3 Download

Frederik Magle

Staff member
Free MP3 and lossless audio excerpts from the first performance of the symphonic suite Cantabile's 2nd and 3rd movements on June 10th (2009) in the Copenhagen Concert Hall at the royal gala concert celebrating the 75th birthday of H.R.H. Henrik, the Prince Consort of Denmark.

Thomas Dausgaard and Ina Kringlebotn

First, excerpts from the second symphonic poem (2nd movement) from Cantabile; The »Cortège & Danse Macabre« (Procession and Dance of Death - or in this case perhaps more appropriately "Dance of the Dead". See the text below). Dark music, sometimes ominous, yet also with glimpses of tragic humor. The music depicts a procession of the dead - dancing. But they don't know they are dead, they don't know where, or even who, they are. And yet they are dancing, dancing towards the inevitable, their grave, the eternal.

Choose download format - MP3, FLAC, Apple Lossless, or uncompressed WAV (Select MP3 for smaller file size and maximum compatibility or FLAC/Apple Lossless/WAV (Info) for highest sound quality):

Click here to download a large excerpt from »Cortège & Danse Macabre« (MP3)
(bar 100-280, 6:36 min., 15.9 MB, 320 kbps MP3 format)

Or click either of the following links to download the same excerpt in "lossless" formats (full 44.1KHz/16bit CD quality):
•• Cortège & Danse Macabre (WAV, 69.9 MB) •• Cortège & Danse Macabre (FLAC, 34.0 MB) •• Cortège & Danse Macabre (Apple Lossless, 34.4 MB)


Click to download 3 smaller additional excerpts from the beginning of »Cortège & Danse Macabre« (MP3)
(2:32 min., 3.5 MB, 192 kbps MP3 format)

(This 80-years old Giraffe Bone can be heard at 1:27 in the
larger excerpt of the Danse Macabre. The use of a real bone
is specifically written in the score.
I've blogged about the quest for the bone here)

Secondly, an excerpt from the third and final symphonic poem (3rd movement) from the Cantabile suite; The »Carillon«. A "bell-like" theme is heard throughout the movement. «Carillon« begins with conflicting emotions; the luring - sometimes joyous, sometimes sentimental - yet simple hymnic melody of "L'Angelus" is contrasted with the brutality and complexity of reality (read the poem below).

The second half, which is heard in the excerpt, is based on the poem "Lacrymae mundi" (Tears of the world). It begins with a flowing choir, building up to full orchestra, and then concludes the whole work, returning to the theme of the first movement "Souffle le vent" at the very end.

Choose download format - MP3, FLAC, Apple Lossless, or uncompressed WAV:

Click here to download an excerpt from »Carillon« (MP3)
(2:50 min., 6.8 MB, 320 kbps MP3 format)

Or select a "lossless" format:
•• Carillon (WAV, 30.1 MB) •• Carillon (FLAC, 16.9 MB) •• Carillon (Apple Lossless, 17.0 MB)

Choir and pipe organ
40 seconds into the following excerpt a passage begins in which you can hear the basses of the choir descent to the A below the bass-clef, one of the deepest notes ever written in work for choir and orchestra:

Click here to download a small additional excerpt from »Carillon« (MP3)
(0:51 min., 2.1 MB, 320 kbps MP3 format)

Click here to download a small additional excerpt from »Carillon« (WAV)
(0:51 min., 9 MB, uncompressed WAVE format)

Still from the concert, showing the inside of the Copenhagen Concert Hall

The music is performed by The Danish National Symphony Orchestra (DR SymfoniOrkestret) and Choir, conducted by Thomas Dausgaard.

Soloists are:
Ina Kringlebotn, soprano (»Carillon«)
Erlend Tyrmi, baritone (»Danse Macabre« and »Carillon«)
Frederik Magle, piano (»Carillon«)


»Souffle le vent«
, the first movement of the »Cantabile« suite was given its premiere performance in 2004. MP3 Excerpts of »Souffle le vent« are available for download here.

Ina Kringlebotn

Erlend Tyrmi

The orchestration/instrumentation of the Cantabile Suite:
3 flutes (3rd: Piccolo),
2 oboes (2nd: English Horn)
3 Clarinets
1 Bass Clarinet
2 Bassoons
1 Contra-Bassoon

4 Horns
3 Trumpets
3 Trombones
1 Contrabass Tuba

3 Percussionists

Piano (3rd movement; »Carillon«)
Organ (2nd and 3rd movements; »Danse Macabre« and »Carillon«)

Soprano Soloist (1st and 3rd movements; »Souffle le vent« and »Carillon«)
Bass-Baritone Soloist
Mixed Choir/Chorus (S,S,A,A,T,T,B,B)


If you would like to hear the work in full, please let me know by private message or email.

Frederik Magle

More still pictures:

The Danish Royal Family (Front row from the left: H.R.H Crown princess Mary,
H.R.H. Henrik, The Prince Consort, Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II.,
H.R.H. Crown Prince Frederik)

The »Cortège & Danse Macabre« and »Carillon« from the symphonic suite »Cantabile« is copyright © Frederik Magle. Please do not hotlink to the audio files without posting a link to this page (or as well. The music has been uploaded to this site for free download with the consent of the copyright holders and in accordance with Danish and international copyright law.

More music:

List of Classical Music Downloads by Frederik Magle | "The Hope" for brass band, choir, organ and percussion | Dark Classical Music Downloads
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Frederik Magle

Staff member
Here is the text (or lyrics) from the »Cortège & Danse Macabre«:

Cortège Funèbre - Danse Macabre (Funeral Procession - Dance of Death)
by H.R.H. Henrik, The Prince Consort of Denmark

Hommes, femmes, tous assemblés,
on ne sait plus qui était l'homme,
qui était la femme!...
Pour rien leur corps,
pour rien leur âme!
Ensemble amassés,
ils sont entrés d'emblée
dans le convoi déjà formé.

Pour rien leurs larmes!

Le rappel a longtemps sonné
puis le départ se fait
on ne sait comment
personne ne sait quand
où mon corps, où mon âme?

Jeunes, vieux, tous de crier:
"je suis son matri, son fiancé,
je suis voué à cette infâme!

Pour rien leur corps,
pour rien leur âme,
pas même leurs larmes!

C'est le cortège mortuaire
qui passa dans le silence,
le voyage sans fin,
le trajet sans retour en arrière,
qu'on le prenne à son heure
ou qu'on manque le train,
tous voués a cette infâme!

Pour rien leur coeur,
pour rien leur âme!

Un à un ils se traînent
sur le sentier du cimetière,
oubliant haine,
vengeance ou peine.

Des bribes de prières,
des hymnes à faible voix,
ils chantonnement, ils marmonnent.
Entre les haies de lierre,
un moment ils louvoient
et jouent avec les couronnes.
Ceus qui sont frileux veillent
à ceux qui ont déjà froid.

Pour rien nos pierres,
pour rien nos larmes!

De raides croix en deuil
offrent comme des sentinelles,
la lune blanche entre leurs bras.
La terre du cimetière,
collant à leur paupière
et acide à leur aeil,
pour toujours les accueille.

Adieu ton corps,
adieu ton âme!

Bonsoir Madame,
bonsoir la mort!
In the 3rd symphonic poem - the »Carillon« - excerpts of two different poems are used. First excerpts from the poem »L'Angélus« (text used in the »Carillon« marked with bold type):

L'Angélus - Carillon
by H.R.H. Henrik, The Prince Consort of Denmark

Frôlant les chênes feuillus,
les lavandes irisées,
les martins enrosés,
pour mon plaisir sont revenues,
les sonneries de l'Angelus.

Le clocher de l'église pique et mord,
le ciel serein où vont les morts,
Est-ce pour eux que les cloches sonnent,
eux, dont les baisers s'envolent vers personne?

Oh les charmes de l'Angélus,
quand la canicule est venue!
Aux midis de fournaise,
le bronze résonne en dièse,
et le vent porte à tire d'aile,
vers Dieu qui les accepte en souriant,
ces comptines immortelles,
devenues messages dansants.

Comme le ciel est bleu,
que cette cloche émeut!
Trois fois par jour, elle appelle aux prières,
grelot préssé par dessus la rivière,
trois fois le coq chanta,
après Pierre trahit Judas.

Qui met son âme à l'affût,
foi alerte - oreille tendue,
et plie son genou, pour l'Angélus?
Surtout lorsque descend le soir,
j'aime la cloche qui amène le noir.

Vous qui avez connu
la sonnerie de l'Angelus,
ne cherchez plus
sous les chênes touffus:
L'écho qui fut
s'en est allé pieusement,
à petits pas, au firmament,
comme en priant.
L'echo qui fut,
n'écoutez plus,
n'est... plus.
Second half of the »Carillon« use excerpts from the poem »Lacrymae mundi« (text used in the »Carillon« marked with bold type):

Lacrymae Mundi - Psaume
by H.R.H. Henrik, The Prince Consort of Denmark

Ecarte ces malices mensongères,
our que clair soit demain,
et sur les embûches du chemin
n'enlise pas ton coeur solitaire.
Mais si tu veux que la route bien te mène,
réfugie-toi en toi-même
et oublie tes haines
dans les forêts des vieilles peines.

Le dur métier de vivre
est de créer un bel ouvrage
d'ensemencer une terre hostile,
de chanter matines sans rage,
pour que les jours renaissent
et dans la joie jubilent.
Quand la grappa sera pressée
et le raisin foulé
par ton vin tu ne seras ivre,
ni par tes chagrins esseulé.

L'amour comme la rosée du matin
délasse la fureur de vivre.
Si l'aveugle parfois tâtonne dans la foule,
la douce sûreté de son pas
console le voyant
du tragique du monde
et des certitudes de périr.
Le dstin de ceux qui aiment
est de tanguer avec la houle,
de vaincre l'onde
ou d'apprendre à mourir.

L'oubli des souillures,
le pardon des meurtrissures,,
se paient d'offrandes sans prix,
larmes sur larmes qui purifient,
pour entrer au Royaume des morts,
sunt lacrymae mundi,
l'eau d'un nouveau baptême,
pour que le monde s'aime,
encore et encore.
The Lacrymane mundi is also sung in Danish, using the translation by Per Aage Brandt:

Lacrymae Mundi - Salme
by H.R.H. Henrik, The Prince Consort of Denmark (translation by Per Aage Brandt)

Lad løgnens onde nat
vige og lyset vinde,
lad ikke vejens snarer
slutte sig om dit sind.
Vil du dit liv, da find
dig selv bag alle farer,
og nagets, hadets minde,
kast det i glemslens krat -

At leve er at skabe,
på trods, små underværker,
befrugte frossen jord,
og hilse hver dags strid
med trøstig sang, den tid
er rig og glæden stor,
når modne druer mærker,
du ikke ville tabe.

Som morgenduggen, blød
og mild mod fodens rifter
hos livets vandrer, er
den ømhed, vi kan eje:
den blindes indre veje
er trøst for den, som ser
verdens tragik og drifter
mod undergang og død.

Det er enhver forundt
at elske og forsone,
tilgive den, som sårer,
og dø i kærlighed;
da finder sindet fred -
det er verdens glædestårer,
der smiler i dens krone -
lacrymae mundi sunt.
Unfortunately I don't have an English translation of the French text at hand, but I recommend using Google Language tools which is capable of producing a rudimentary translation, which can give a basic impression of the meaning of the poems.


Thanks for these two clips also.. I enjoyed the others very much as I told you already I believe.. Take care my friend. Bill

Frederik Magle

Staff member
Thank you, Bill, I'm glad you like this.

I have just uploaded some additional excerpts from the beginning of the »Cortège & Danse Macabre«. Three small "teaser" excerpts.


New member

Just getting to hear this... very atmospheric. I would definitely love to hear the whole thing sometime!


Frederik Magle

Staff member
Just updated the first post with new pictures and more information about the two symphonic poems and the premiere concert, including a short description of both movements.


I really enjoyed the new updated versions. Much clearer sound quality. Keep up the good work. I can even hear the ORGAN coming through...Must have been a thrail to hear this in person. Thanks
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Frederik Magle

Staff member
Indeed, there was an absolutely fantastic atmosphere at the concert and the audience really seemed to like it :) I'm glad you like the new improved sound files.

Btw, I forgot to mention this when I posted the MP3 files back in June, but there are other "unusual" things in the scoring besides the use of the giraffe bone: Approximately 45 seconds into the excerpt of the »Carillon« you can hear the basses of the choir go down to the low A (A1) - the A below the bass clef - a fifth below what is usually considered the range of a bass singer! You may have to turn the volume up a little to hear it, but they do sing this extremely deep note, one of the lowest notes ever written in a work for choir and orchestra.