An introduction to Tim Pitman


New member
Hello all I hope I am posting this in the right place. John Presley an agent from London says I should try to let everyone hear Tim's music in order that we may get constructive criticism as in this way we can improve what we do, given the fact that I trust the opinions on this site after having been a member for almost 2yrs I thought this would be a good place to start I hope you enjoy and look forward to your comments [youtube]
this is only an amateur video and is recorded through to camera microphone so the quality is not great but if I get good feed back I will commission a proper video project this one again is an amateur video this time taken at a charity concert at the late great Frankie Howerds former home Wavering Down [youtube][/youtube]


Staff member
Hi Sparky,

Bravisimo Tim :clap: :clap: :clap:

Huntspill Church:
Wonderful performance ... it had to be breathtaking to have been there in person. The manner in which Tim effortlessly attains those high notes is simply astounding ... not only the B above middle C early on in the video, but then the octave C and yet later the D ... :eek: all without going into head-tones, at least from my perspective. The sound quality is quite good considering some of the camera shots are mostly from the back pew or off to one side a few moments.

Wavering Downs:
The solo and choral vocalists nightmare - performing outdoors ... all the sound goes one way - UP - always a challenge for any musician, not to mention the distraction of people eating and drinking in close proximity along with the din of soft conversation in the background. Again, Tim takes all this in stride in his program not letting anything alter his performance of wonderful music. Another stellar performance in what appears to be a beautiful setting outdoors.

Sparky, you are indeed so fortunate to have such historic places in which to present these venues. Few places like that exist in my part of the US, so I am quite envious and at the same time elated for you and wish you and Tim all the continued success you both deserve. :D

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New member
Hi Krummhorn:tiphat: thank you for your comments & invaluable help I spend a lot of time in the mid west I am hoping to bring Tim over the water next year I will keep you posted as the venues go past we have one shortly in the Abbotts Kitchen in the Ruins of Glastonbury Cathedral and just before that we are doing a recital at Coombe Lodge in the Mendip Hills Somerset Coombe lodbe belonged to the Wills family of tobacco fame W.D & H.O.Wills it is not a Counrty House Hotel with magnificent Gardens if you are interested there is a Video on youtube of Tim Singing Our Prayer same camera but a setting that does not do the voice justice just a mere night club thanks once again for your help I still don't know how you did it but I hope everyone enjoys now that it is right thanks:cheers: Sparky
Hi Sparky,

Bravisimo Tim :clap: :clap: :clap:

Huntspill Church:
Wonderful performance ... it had to be breathtaking to have been there in person. The manner in which Tim effortlessly attains those high notes is simply astounding ... not only the B above middle C early on in the video, but then the octave C and yet later the D ... :eek: all without going into head-tones, at least from my perspective. The sound quality is quite good considering some of the camera shots are mostly from the back pew or off to one side a few moments.

Wavering Downs:
The solo and choral vocalists nightmare - performing outdoors ... all the sound goes one way - UP - always a challenge for any musician, not to mention the distraction of people eating and drinking in close proximity along with the din of soft conversation in the background. Again, Tim takes all this in stride in his program not letting anything alter his performance of wonderful music. Another stellar performance in what appears to be a beautiful setting outdoors.

Sparky, you are indeed so fortunate to have such historic places in which to present these venues. Few places like that exist in my part of the US, so I am quite envious and at the same time elated for you and wish you and Tim all the continued success you both deserve. :D



Vice Admiral of Notes, Dots & at times also Slurs
Sr. Regulator
Hi Sparky.

I agree with Lars on Tims apparent talent.
The sound quality of these recordings makes it very hard, though, to give a clear indication of these talents.
I'm not that much a fan of mic'ed-up opera - especially the last clip resembles some of the televised performances of the Belgian tenor Helmut Lotti, which, to me, isn't necessarily always a good thing. :)
Still it's most likely the recording quality which throws me a bit off here.

I do, though, look forward to see what else you've got to share. :)



New member
Hi Corno:tiphat: Thanks for the comments, If someone can explain to me in detail how to attach an Mp3 I will put something really good up for you to listen to written & performed by Tim. In the next concert at Coombe Lodge we are intending to record some of Tim's performance Accapello, we will also record the performance from Glastonbury Abbey which will be held in the Abbots Kitchen which has the most wonderful acoustics, anyway thanks to every one who has listened If you get a chance help us out by going back to YOU TUBE via the links and leave a comment this will help us along as far as ratings are concerned Thanks Sparky :cheers:
Hi Sparky.

I agree with Lars on Tims apparent talent.
The sound quality of these recordings makes it very hard, though, to give a clear indication of these talents.
I'm not that much a fan of mic'ed-up opera - especially the last clip resembles some of the televised performances of the Belgian tenor Helmut Lotti, which, to me, isn't necessarily always a good thing. :)
Still it's most likely the recording quality which throws me a bit off here.

I do, though, look forward to see what else you've got to share. :)



New member
An introduction to Tim Pitman Reply to Thread

Hi Hamlet2007 :tiphat:
thanks for the comments I think you are the 1st person to contact me from Syria I notice you are are a new member so welcome aboard and keep posting thanks once again tell all your friends to listen to Tim Pitman
Thanks :cheers:Sparky
capable vioce tunes
i believe your are so talent
i have intrested all


New member
Mp3 Tim Pitman Vesti La Giubba

Hi :tiphat:Krummhorn lets see if I can put your instructions into practice Hope you enjoy, Tim is now performing this number at our live shows by golly I think I,ve got it:clap: Cheers Sparky:cheers:


Staff member
Glad to help out where I can ... :cheers: your post worked perfectly. Wow !! Superb musical quality - even more superb is the performance :banana: Thank you for sharing.



New member
An introduction to Tim Pitman Reply to Thread

Thanks Krummhorn glad you liked it you must admit the guy is far better that performing in pubs clubs & small churches in the UK for a mere pitance he is dare I say world class but I have been trying for over 1 year to get him recognised but to no availe so perhaps we are not moving in the right circles so where do we go from here any advice readily accepted but I must admit the classical music circle in the UK is very tight and mainly upper class so a guy from the normal working class no matter how good is mainly overlooked sad but true. Thanks for your thoughts sparky


Staff member
..... have been trying for over 1 year to get him recognised but to no availe so perhaps we are not moving in the right circles so where do we go from here any advice readily accepted ....

Wondering if podcasting in the UK is a viable option ... perhaps that might help the exposure of Tim's wonderful talents.
