An Allan Holdsworth-like Guitar Tone...From Acoustic Guitar?


New member
What sounds like an emulation of Allan Holdsworth-esque guitar tone derived from adding tasteful plug-ins to a recorded acoustic guitar in the song 'The Story So Far'.

As per Holdsworth, experimentation is key. One does not require expensive guitars and effects, although there are limitations to this approach. I must add that I am working in a tight, 'money challenged' personal environment where mother of invention remains the needed element. One keeps trusting that in time all of one's hard work creating and delivering good music (*ahem*) generates an equally fair and decent response in terms of tangible returns, i.e.
decent pay for decent work. Where else but in the arts industry do workers not get compensation and yet still keep working super-hard? :rolleyes:

On the AH like tone: Utilise a series of tube amplifier simulation plug-ins, being careful not to overdrive any one setting too harshly. This is not a metal-like, or even a L.A. session guitar tone but think 'clean distortion', the cleaner the better. Oxymoron you say. Go to in the song 'The Story So Far' and have a listen to a perfect description of what I mean. I am especially
taken positively with the actual fact that this elusive and gorgeous tone was achievable with what is basically a $200 throwaway budget acoustic guitar- all that the struggling and legally homeless can afford due to audience neglect of course, while 'better' (i.e. rich guitarists) cannot get this tone eve with exotic 'high end' boutique guitars and Gucci priced effects. :grin:

Dean Watson

New member
Well done. Yup, you captured the tone. I wouldn't say your choice of notes is necessarily Holdworthian, but the tone certainly is. Good Job!


New member
Danke (again) Dean. No my hands are too tiny to be Olympian AH worthy, Dean. So I go for essence, to pay homage, not so much to copy. Danke for taking time to listen. Appreciate it.