About a Performer


New member
Was there a Performer who played and composed all alon or almost and he didn't do live concerts . i don't want to distract but i think Valhalla was a keyword related to him may be a song or even his name or something. i know i am not very clear but this was old and i cant remeber exactly .
thanks 4 reading .


Hello amesea and welcome to the forum. There is everything you could want here


John Watt

I have listened in the presence of Valhalla, he of the mighty voice and healing tones.
May his full fontal forum free-for-all commentary warp all imitative offshore manufacturing.

John Watt

On two wings and a prayer!
May all Valhalla be walla to walla carpeting.

"Silver wings, shining in the sunset,
roaring engines, flying slowly out of sight.
You're leaving me alone, sad and lonely,
silver wings, take care of her tonight."


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
The flight of the valkyrie thru misty curtain of early morning jew is a site to bheld, to nights the night for 'Silver Wings"

John Watt

I was taken aback, a little, at first, seeing a big disturbance in the grey veil around me,
at my misty mountain Rockytop meditative ledge. Was it Valkerie bringing more friends?
No, just more hummingbirds than usual coming to drop nectar on my tongue.
I'm going to have to retreat to my lakeshore score, until it becomes too much about the perch,
not my pedestrian pedestal.

Looking up Lake Erie, where you can't see the other side, standing in a large striation that leads into the water,
seeing the acid coloured lichens and mosses and the failed remains of old migrations, with all the old fossils,
is a ten thousand year view. May one day, it comes to you, to be there, and be that aware, bare but not naked.

Jimi Hendrix sang about "the echoes of glaciers from long ago".
I now know what he means, even if it's not Haida or Skeena oral tradition informing me.


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
In northern lands in antique times life was cruel and hard
It took a spell of many darks to gain a lump of lard.
To earn the rank of big boss man a lot of work was needed
Chop down a tree; fill pitchers full of all thing good to eat
Then gather skins of the scented gnoshty and wrap them round the feet
Only then will the tribe concede you very near succeeded.

John Watt

Your tribe has endured. Their memories remain alive within and without you.
My clan, extremely northern, doesn't promote the sandy beaches with palm trees,
that remain all year, keeping them to themselves,
a gift of the warm ocean current sweeping over northern beaches.