mmmmmmmmmm as Trebbien says....WE ARE VERY IMPATIENT.!!!!
The "Suspense of it All" hehehehehe
You will not even give us all ONE LITTLE HINT.???????
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm will try to guess. hehehehehehehe
1. The Symphonic work is finished.???
2. You have found a New Place to Live. ???
Big Party-Bash or we have to help you move hehehehe.
3. You are throwing a Party for Priest's "Impending Doom II"
Promotion.???....not long to go.
4. I GIVE UP.!!!!!!! Will have to wait. but bet I am asleep when You give "Surpise" out
and a
of course hehehe
5. You are getting engaged to be Married
6. You are playing the Organ at Royal Wedding in May.
Still can't get a Hint. hehehehehe
EDIT (2) before I have a Day's Rest and You have sleep in Denmark.
7. Smilla,your Pussy Cat,has found a boyfriend.
Will log off now and have to be patient like all others.