A Really Cool Boat...


New member
Hi CD,

Wow, that is some boat, a bit noisy of course.

Thank you for sharing.



New member
Speaking of cool boats...


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha GC,

You are quite the master of subtle understatement :grin::grin::grin:

Thanx for sharing...


CD :):):)


New member
You nailed me! I was watching a show the other night on Geographic and it was all about "ice boats" so, sorry but I just couldn't resist.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha GC,

I like sailboats very much and have owned one. These days I am quite limited to enjoying the open ocean since I easily get seasick and no medications help.


CD :):):)


New member
Cheers to you Corno,

I'm afraid I, too would become ill on a sailboat or even a cat. I haven't ever had a problem in a large vessel (even while cruising through a hurricane) but the bobbing and weaving about makes me sea-sick just thinking about it.

Perhaps one day I'll take a voyage on a clipper and see how that goes. Also, since I am so paranoid about the water I have misgivings about sailing. When I see those things tipping on the waves it really gives me the "willies." Actually, taking into consideration my fear of the water it is really amazing that I have been on about 16 cruises and loved every one of them.

It's not so much the water that scares me, rather it's what's in the water that I fear the most. My diver friends have tried to get me to go on trips with them and perhaps one day I'll take them up on it. At least in their company I would not have too many worries as they have been diving all their lives. Most of them are master divers. In fact, one of them invented the Padi wheel. (I hope i got the acronym right).

All in all, I think the water is beautiful to behold. I really give credit to all of the early explorers.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha GC,

I have cruised on those really big ships and then I have no problem - When I'm flying I experience no problem whatsoever.

Strange, eh? :grin:


CD :):):)