A prayer to god ... a dog's tale


New member
That is really cute. I think that all creatures have their way of praising
the Lord. Ever see a flower bloom real brillient with some vivid colors?
Or did you ever hear a bird sing it's little heart out. I wished church
members would sing like that. Some sing so low you can't hear them.
So look around you and take notice.
judy tooley


New member
how precious ;) I can only imagine what he is thinking..."Dear Lord, please send me a bigger piece of meat tomorrow. And let me catch that annoying cat" :grin:


Admiral of Fugues
Birds make noise for two reasons (as far as I can tell): one because their annoyed and want to warn their neighbours to back off and two because they're horny and need sex.


New member
That's a man to think that way!:rolleyes: I love hearing the birds sing.
My state has a state bird that is vivid red and sings called the
judy tooley


Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret.)
Birds make noise for two reasons (as far as I can tell): one because their annoyed and want to warn their neighbours to back off and two because they're horny and need sex.

My dear Aussie friend from Down Under CT64 :tiphat:

You´re hilarius! :clap::clap::clap::clap::banana::banana::banana::banana::trp::trp::trp::trp::lol::lol::lol::lol: