Great point, Teddy ...
I found it maddening to read a few months back on how our local clowncil spent several hundred thousand dollars for a report that informed them that our roads were in disrepair. All one has to do is drive about for half a day and see that same thing - yet we had to
pay for this clowncil to "see" and recognize the problem.
Here, it's a nationwide problem - the US spends billions every year in foreign aid, yet our own roads and bridges are crumbling - and then we are told that
there is no money in the budget for road repair even though we pay a road tax on each gallon of petrol purchased at the pump.
But what can we, as citizens, do about it? We can rally and protest I suppose, but it doesn't seem to help. We are told that we don't understand the
big picture, yet nobody can actually define what that 'big picture' really is.