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  1. Ntalikeris666

    Music in Video games

    Hello there, Since the release of TETRIS, music has accompanied almost all video games, with soundtracks that might and might have not written history. Though there are many modern games that have Great -original- musical soundtrack, written by Tallented musicians. Some of these titles are...
  2. Ntalikeris666

    Question about notes in BWV 566.

    Hello everyone, I have a question about this piece when it comes to its notes and the various versions around. I am aware that it has been written in 2 tonalities E and C major. If you see the score, (should be same notes from version to version just different keys)...
  3. Ntalikeris666

    BBC Documentary about J.S Bach It is in 7 parts which you will find on the related video section. It is really interesting to watch. Cheers, Nick
  4. Ntalikeris666

    The 'Happy Organ' Song :P

    It is probably a little (heh) old, but it is fun xD Enjoy! -Video might make you seasick- Regards, Nick
  5. Ntalikeris666

    Demonstration of the Arp Schnitger organ at St. Pankratius-Kirche in Hamburg.

    An interesting clip i found which i would like to share with all you here: Cheers, Nick
  6. Ntalikeris666

    Spanish Organs and music.

    Hello again, One of the most special organ characters, are the one that spanish organs have. Their extraordinary design and selection of stops make them somehow unique. An interesting fact is that even the smallest organ, might have en-chamade trumpets, since the idea behind those old organs...
  7. Ntalikeris666

    Interesting Documentary with Marie-Claire Alain

    Hello there, I think that this video series on youtube might be interesting for some! Check them out. This is part 1/6 but make sure you watch all of them. Regards, Nick.
  8. Ntalikeris666

    Some modern and kind of odd pieces for organ i found on youtube.

    Hello everyone, I would like to post some pieces i came through on youtube. Some are not really of my taste and are in my opinion a little too atonal, but thats just me. Here are the links:
  9. Ntalikeris666

    Palace of Arts -Budapest- Hauptwer Sample set.

    Hello there, This sample set by Inspired Acoustics has been released for quite some time, but there are some things which make it kinda unique. Apart from its price (~1000$) which is quite high for a sample set, it has many features which other sets dont have. The instrument has 92 stops...
  10. Ntalikeris666

    Any good, Free audio converters around?

    Hello there, I am looking for an audio converter ( I would like to covert FLAC to Acc, but i have not found any free ones around...) Thanks, Nick
  11. Ntalikeris666

    Max Reger ''Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" Op.52 Fugue. Recordings.

    Hello everyone, Anyone is aware of any other recording of the fugue of Op.52 apart from one on the ULM organ -i found that on youtube- Thanks, Nicholas
  12. Ntalikeris666

    The famous Gabler Organ

    The Gabler organ in Weingarten, is one of the biggest baroque organs left. An interesting clip can be found here Along with its many special effects stops, it has quite a strange one , called "La Force" which is a 49 (!) rank mixture which applies...
  13. Ntalikeris666

    Unintended concert screw ups :P

    Many times you might have found yourself in an unfortunate situation while playing, singing, or being in the audience at a play or performance. Let me tell you some of my experiences... The most recent one i think, was in the Athens concert hall, where Sokolov, had a performance. But, even...
  14. Ntalikeris666

    What do you think is the best relaxation method before playing at a concert?

    Title says all once more! In my opinion, after having tried many things, i find best to concentrate and relax on your own before playing at a concert. Once you go on stage, i believe that in order for you to feel relaxed and most importantly enjoy what you play, you have to be determined and...
  15. Ntalikeris666

    What is your favorite Hauptwerk Sample set?

    Hello there! Title says it all :-) Cheers, Nicholas
  16. Ntalikeris666

    Hmmmm :rolleyes: Possible to use Hauptwerk via mounted instrument speakers?

    Hello there, I was wondering if its possible for someone to use an instruments speakers instead of external ones when using hauptwerk. Any ideas? Cheers, Nick
  17. Ntalikeris666

    Me playing BWV 555 Fugue. What do you think? I know its NOT perfect but recording a piece is not such an easy task :P
  18. Ntalikeris666

    What is the exact name of this piece??

    Recentely Johannus Organs had released a new model of theirs, and Van der Vielt played this piece: on it. But, i cannot find the piece anywhere when i try to google the partial name indicated on the title. Anyone knows the actual name of it? Thanks a...
  19. Ntalikeris666

    Which Publisher's Editions you prefer for Organ pieces?

    Title says all. ;)
  20. Ntalikeris666

    Do you know this piece's name?

    As i was surfing on youtube, i came across this video (unfortunately its only an excerpt ) and i was wondering if anyone of you knew which piece is played. Thanks a lot, Nicholas