Search results

  1. AnnaBanana

    Love Music Hate Racism

    I just thought I'd give you all a link to this organisation, I think they're great and deserve support. I know it may not mean much to some of you not living in the UK, but oh well...
  2. AnnaBanana

    Music in Berlin and Krakow

    Hi everyone, Next summer I am going on a school trip to Berlin, Germany and Krakow, Poland and was wondering if there was anywhere on anyone music realted I should go and see. Well alot of the trip will be organised for us I know we will have some free time in the cities. In Krakow I know that...
  3. AnnaBanana

    Learning Harp

    OK, so on Monday I bought myself a 29 string folk table harp which is a lovely instrument. Only problem is I can't really play it. I can pick out a tune along with a few chords very slowly, but that's about all and I have no idea whether I'm doing it right. Does anyone know if there's anywhere...
  4. AnnaBanana

    New Harry Potter Film

    Anyone else seen it?? I went to see it yesterday (day off school - YAY!) and I thought it was brilliant!! Anna
  5. AnnaBanana

    Royal Albert Hall Concert!!!

    Hiya Everyone, Well, I've just found out that I'm doing concert with my chior in the Royal Albert Hall!! It looks to be amazing, our bit consists of about 1000(I think) singers from tiny 6 year olds up to about 18/19 year olds, an orchestra and dancers. We are singing 6 songs from around the...
  6. AnnaBanana

    Panda cam

    Ok, I just thought I'd share this with you - sometimes you get some great shots, but others you get some lovely shots of empty rooms!! Anyway, here is the link to the Panda cam at san Diego Zoo: Anna p.s. Check out the other cameras as well...
  7. AnnaBanana

    New site

    I am making a new site for young musicians and need members!! sorry it isn't that good yet, I have no members!! the site is: Thanks, Anna
  8. AnnaBanana

    Folk Music

    I was wondering if anyone else is in to English/British folk music. I recently started playing in a folk band. We do quite a few barn Dances or Celidhs(sp?) and I really like the music and the dances (I go to a few with my family as well). Anna
  9. AnnaBanana

    Anyone my age???

    Well I just joined yesterday and I was wondering is there anyone else roughly my age??(Secondary school-ish) it would be really good to chat to some other musicians my age. See ya round, Anna
  10. AnnaBanana


    Hello Everyone!! My name is Anna. i live in Hampshire and go to school in Stockbridge. I play Piano (Grade 6) and Violin(Grade 5) i sing in Andover youth Choir, I play in andover Chamber String Orchestra and I play Fiddle in the Wyvern Dance Band(the website is