Search results

  1. Dom Bedos-Roubo Organ inauguration - Italy 16-20 april 2010

    Dear friends from 16 to 20 april 2010 the Dom Bedos-Roubo pontifical organ will have the official inauguration. A concerts cycle (8 events) and a sacred music & organ classical building art will open the inauguration. This happennign will be repeated every year, as the Dom Bedos-Roubo Organ...
  2. Dom Bedos-Roubo Organ inauguration - Italy 16-20 april 2010

    Dear friend, I want announce you the 1° Dom Bedos-Roubo organ festival , Rieti (Italy), 16-20 march 2010 the program start with a international meeting about sacred music and classical organ music; then, 8 concerts about german,french, italian classical music. Please go to...
  3. What do you tihink about this "organ sound"?

    Hi! If you have any time and patience, please, go to my This was my old project, and it allows me (and more more enthusiast) to play a "decent" virtual organ at home in a really cheaper manner..:D Please, download the mp3 sample on first page , the Bach Wachet Chorale to...
  4. Scpop Virtual Pipe Organ

    Hi to everyone Probably someone has hear this name "scpop" already... if no, I want present you a my old activity : the Scpop (Sound Canvas Pipe Organ Project), born in 1997 in order to develop a very low cost organ at home... I and my friend have used a commercial (10 years ago..) midi...
  5. newbye from Italy - Pipe Organ lover

    Bye to everyone! I discovered this great communication tool. There are a lot of many intersting arguments and threads and probably I cannot review all of them in a short time.. I'm a Pipe organ entusiast and, with some friends, I joined a committe in order to make real our old dream: have a...