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  1. zlya

    Goodbye from Zlya

    Goodbye all! I'm going back to university for a masters degree, and I won't have much spare time anymore. This forum has been great, and I appreciate all of your advice, opinions, and ideas. All the best,
  2. zlya

    Inspiring story

    On tv last night there was a program about a pianist from Korea with only four fingers, Lee Hee Ah. She isn't just "good . . . for someone with four fingers", she's good by any standards. I was floored. It reminded me of that movie about the future in which piano music is so hard that only...
  3. zlya

    Signs Composer, James Howard

    I saw the movie Signs (M. Night Shyamalan) on tv the other day, and I was frankly astonished by the music, particularly the opening credits. It sounded almost Bernard Hermann-esque. This made me wonder why I've never heard of the composer, James Howard. I IMDB'd him briefly, and it seems like...
  4. zlya

    "Period" performance

    What do you think of performances using "period" instruments and techniques to try to recreate a historical sound? What do you think of the accuracy of such attempts, and what do you think of the reasoning behind them? Is there such a thing as an authentic performance?
  5. zlya

    Advice for a beginner pianist

    Hello, I'm learning to play the piano, and I need some advice of some music to try. I'm at that stage where I've worked my way through all the beginner lesson books, and I'm ready to try learning pieces, but I just don't know what to try. I have a degree in music, so I don't need any theory...