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  1. Converting jOrgan pipe sounds to GrandOrgue?

    Is it possible to convert jOrgan pipe sounds to GrandOrgue format? Has anyone done this? jOrgan has a disposition package created by Paul Stratman called "American Classic Organ" which I would like to use with GrandOrgue (and Hauptwerk), but I don't know if it's possible to "cross the bridge"...
  2. GO loading error - out of memory

    When I try to load one of my larger GO sample sets, I get the following error: Out of memory - only parts of the organ are loaded. Please reduce memory footprint via the sample loading settings. Exactly how do I go about doing this? Do I need to manually go into the file and delete stops and...
  3. GO newbie problem #2 - MIDI goes to wrong manuals

    I just started using GrandOrgue, but I have never found a solution to this problem: Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I was under the impression that MIDI files for GrandOrgue (or Hauptwerk, for that matter) were supposed to be constructed so that MIDI track 1 is for Pedal, track2 for Great, track 3...
  4. GO newbie problem #1 - stuck key sounds

    I just recently started using GrandOrgue, and most things (except problem #2 in a separate message) worked fine. Then something went haywire. I have no idea what I may have accidentally done (or what GO may have done), but now, when I play my test MIDI file through GO, the notes play...
  5. Hello! I'm Harvey Hahn, church musician

    Sorry about this, but I had written several lengthy paragraphs about myself and my musical background and interests. Just as I clicked the submit button, my dial-up Internet connection unexpectedly terminated. Apparently vBulletin (which powers this forum) is incapable of handling such...