Search results

  1. Linux Mint for GO

    Would this be the best OS for running GO in Linux? What audio software would I be using (to run a Sound blaster card) Thanks, Mick
  2. Daniel Chorzempa

    I have just heard (on Spotify) some recordings of Bach organ pieces by Daniel Chorzempa. The reviews of these pieces are mostly favorable and in some cases very enthusiastic. However I find the recordings to be very disappointing. (Dare I say awful?) Dirge-like tempos, every note detached (even...
  3. Moving GO

    Hi. If I move my GO installation to a SSD will I have to re-do all my Midi assignments? Thanks, Mick
  4. Midisport 4x4

    Hi. I have acquired a Midisport 4x4 but I don't have its drivers. Will it work with generic XP drivers? Thanks, Mick
  5. Slow loading

    Hi. My default Grand Orgue organ is taking much longer to load than it used to, maybe five times as long. And there is a regular interruption of the sound, maybe every once per second.This goes away after a while. I do not see a loading progress window like I used to. There is a cache file. Any...
  6. Nice looking music rack

    Somewhere on the forum someone posted about a very nice looking music rack with lovely fretwork that their dad had made for them. I'd really like to find this but I can't. Can anyone help? Thanks Mick
  7. Console Refinishing Question

    Hi. I have a console that I am refinishing and I wonder if anyone can tell me what kind of original finish it would have. It is a Klann console from the mid 'sixties in light oak. The finish is cracking and peeling, and also yellowing in colour. Would it be shellac, or what? Thanks, and Happy...
  8. Can't get "default to engaged" to work

    The LED works well, I have made a rather "Heath Robinson" bell that rings when the organ is ready, here's a picture. (yes the gong is a hole saw blade, its all I could find in my workshop. I will replace it!) The striker is a broken SAM, since it is mounted vertically it hits the bell and drops...
  9. Can't get "default to engaged" to work

    I can't get the tag "default to engaged" to work on Josef Basquin's Silbermann ODF. Is there anything that might stop it from working? Thanks, Mick
  10. Wanted: Midi adapter

    Hi. I wonder if anyone has in their stash of obsolete computer parts, a Midi/ joystick adapter for a soundcard with DB15 connector. Online prices for these are unreasonably high for an obsolete item. Thanks, Mick
  11. Sending Midi messages to SAMS

    Hi. Its been a while since I spent any time getting the SAMs (stop action magnets) working. I had to re-enter the event info after changing my MIDI device and now I can't get GO to send the messages. Using Midi-Ox I see no messages getting out. If I send an all-notes-off from GO I do see that...
  12. Anybody good wwith Cakewalk and GrandeOrgue?

    Iam trying to play my GrandeOrgue organ from Cakewalk, as I have a complete MIDI file of Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells, which I think would sound great transcribed for pipe organ. I am using Midi Yoke to get the output of Cakewalk to GrandeOrgue. It doesn't play. Looking at MidiOx, a MIDI...
  13. Will GO run on Windows 10?

    Hi Microsoft is offering Windows 10 as a free upgrade from Windows 7. I'd like to be sure that GO will run on it. Thanks, Mick.
  14. Is it possible to create an .ODF with no ranks?

    I want to make an ODF that mirrors my console exactly. I don't want to deal with the actual ranks of pipes at this time, just concentrate on the layout of the manuals, stops and pistons. Can I make an .odf with no ranks of pipes? Thanks, Mick.
  15. Problem with .cmb files

    Hi. I searched on this topic but didn't find what I wanted. I made some small changes to an .odf file (regarding the reversibles, recently discussed) and saved it under a different name to the original .odf. I exported the settings from the original .odf, and saved it with a recognizeable name...
  16. Reversibles in GO

    Hi. Is it possible to have a real reversible in GO? By 'real' I mean that a momentary push of the reversible piston sets its associated stop, eg a manual-to-pedal coupler, one way and the next push reverses it. At the moment it seems that the piston just duplicates the stop, which is not...
  17. Registration of "A us Tiefer Not"

    Hi. I am trying to replicate Lionel Rogg's registration of Aus Tiefer Not (Grande Version) on his Arlesheim Silbermann recording. I have an imitation of the Arlesheim organ using samples from another Silbermann organ. I cannot get the high pedal line out clearly. Does anyone know what...
  18. Need Vox Humana for GO

    I need a Vox Humana stop for my organ. Do any of the free GO organs have one? And BTW it needs to be dry. Thanks, Mick Berg.
  19. Buzzy Ift stop in GO

    I am using the Gedackt 8ft, Rohrkvint 2-2/3ft and Oktava 1ft from the Burea Church organ to get that classic "tinkly" or bell-like sound. It sounds very good on most notes, but some notes in the Oktava sound buzzy, and the effect is spoiled. Can anyone say what is causing this, and how it can be...
  20. Wind Disturbance in GO

    I know that unsteady wind is not available to Hauptwerk users in the USA because of some legal situation. Is the same thing true with GO? I really miss it in the sound of the baroque style organs. Thanks, Mick Berg.