Search results

  1. corno

    vs, vsop and xo

    So guys. What about them spirits? I've just recently started my exploration into the world of Cognac, which, like ie. Champagne and Armagnac, is only produced in a small region in the eastern art of France. So far my knowledge of the Cognac "world" is fairly small, and the only brand/version...
  2. corno

    "Peter and the Wolf" - beatboxing flute

    Hi guys, Just saw this one on YouTube earlier today. Interesting techniquea and quite nicely played. :)
  3. corno

    Sir Malcolm Arnold dies...

    Even though he probably was most known for his film scores ("The Bridge over the River Kwai" amongst others), he did write "classical" music, like symphonies, ballets and operas, so I've decided to place this thread here and not in the Soundtracks forum. Here's a BBC's article: BBC NEWS |...
  4. corno

    Questions regarding the forums

    Dear members and guests of Magle International Music Forums, Frederik (Magle) will unfortunately be unavailable for support requests for a while, so if any of you experience problems with the site, or have any other questions regarding the forums, please let the rest of the Admin/Regulator...
  5. corno


    Hi all, I was just wondering... I'm sitting here listening to the lastest cd-publication (NHØP - Friends Forever) with NHØP (Niels Henning Ørsted Pedersen - Danish acoustic stringbass player - mainly in the jazz-scene) who died earlier this year only in his 50'ies. How many of our "friends"...
  6. corno

    Looking for recordings of "The Messiah" by Händel

    Looking for recordings of \"The Messiah\" by Händel Hi all, As the Christmas season closes in upon us, the annual Messiah-concert-marathon approaches, at least here in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's an annual tradition of almost all amateur aswell as professional ensembles here to perform the...
  7. corno


    Hi guys, I wrote/improvised this "hymn"-like piece the other day. The occation for it is my grandmothers 80th birthday this comming Thursday. It's nothing fancy, simple harmonies, slow/solemn tempo/atmosphere, piano with a tad of a "synthpad"-feeling in the background. Just thought you might...
  8. corno

    "Der var engang" og KKSOs 50 års jubilæumskoncert

    \"Der var engang\" og KKSOs 50 års jubilæumskoncert I anledningen af KKSOs (Københavns Kommunes Skoleorkester) 50 års jubilæum har jeg tilegnet KKSO harmoniorkesterudgaven af værket "Der var engang". Denne uropføres for "offentligheden" (efter en "intern første opførelse" i forbindelse med et...
  9. corno

    Last Night of the Proms

    Hi guys, So did anyone see the Last Night of the Proms this year? I missed it, but I'm hoping to catch a rerun of it if possible. Any comments to this years "Last Night"? Cheers, Thomas
  10. corno

    The 4400

    Hi all, Anyone seen any of the episodes from "The 4400"? It's just started airing here in Denmark on Danish TV3. I just saw the pilot today and it seems to have potential, in a x-files meets x-men kind of way. Any opinions about this "new" show? Regards, Thomas
  11. corno

    hymn/psalm revisited...

    Hi guys, I was sifting through my old mp3s and stumpled upon these, which I'd like to share with you. They have all 3 been posted in here some time ago. In a way they show a compositional process in development of the musical material. Which might or might not be useful for others to hear...
  12. corno

    Rules and information regarding attachment and linking of files.

    All members can attach files of up to 20 MB (per attachment) to each of their posts. The following file-types (extensions) are allowed: • text formats: .txt .rtf .doc • picture formats: .jpg .gif .png • audio/midi formats: .mid .mp3 .m4a .aif .wav • video formats: .mov .avi .mpg .mp4 .m4v...
  13. corno

    Kør og komponer musik på samme tid...

    Ehm... ja... - hvorfor ikke?
  14. corno

    Photos from Ireland

    Hi all, Here's a couple of photos from a trip to Ireland me and my girlfriend was on a week or so ago. Thomas
  15. corno

    Hans Island... Canadian or Danish?

    I thought it was a joke when I heard on the news the other day that an island of the coast of Greenland in the arctic sea had made a diplomatic stir between Denmark and Canada. Both the Danish side and the Canadian side has apparently a claim to this unhabited island, not more than about a...
  16. corno

    Looking for tutorials for Cubase/Logic...

    Hi all, After the resent posts with good examples of how your music can sound using Cubase/Logic etc. I'm looking into the possibillities with these, to me, new programs, and I was wondering if any of you have any good tutorials/sites I could take a look at to get a better understanding of...
  17. corno

    external harddrives firewire/usb2/nas

    hi guys, Do you have any recommendations in the area of external harddrives usb2.0 or firewire? For 4 months I've had a Maxtor Onetouch II 300gb drive as my primary backup drive but it hasn't worked for a week now, not on my desktop, laptop nor on my mac - a little disappointing... I've now...
  18. corno

    In search of tidbits - The way you make me feel by M Jackson

    Hi all, I'm approaching my final exam this semester, in which I have to direct a band in the song "The way you make me feel" by Michael Jackson from his "BAD" album released in September 1987. I'm fairly well grounded for this assignment, but if any of you have any interesting tidbits to share...
  19. corno

    "Der var engang" uropførelse af symfoniorkesterudgaven

    \"Der var engang\" uropførelse af symfoniorkesterudgaven Hej alle, så er der nyt til dem der skulle have interesse i at høre lidt homemade-music af "yours truely" Koncert med Amatørsymfonikerne: 1. efterårskoncert 2005: Tid og sted/Time and place: Tirsdag d. 29.11.2005 kl 20.00 i Skt...
  20. corno

    Macophile in spe...

    Hi all, I'm about to "inherit" an "old" G4 Apple Macintosh computer (the specifications aren't known to me yet, but it's been used primarily for DTP work I presume) from my father in law, and I'm looking for Mac resources on the web - being a PC-only-guy up until now I haven't emerged myself in...