Search results

  1. GoneBaroque

    A Treasure Trove For The Eyes

    I found this site today which claims to show over 15,000 photos of Pipe Organs from around the world. Feast your eyes.
  2. GoneBaroque

    Who likes Astronomy?

    The Whirlpool Galaxy The Whirlpool Galaxy lies some 31 million light-years distant within the angular boundaries of the small constellation Canes Venatici. This pair of interacting galaxies may be found slightly south and west of the last bright star in the handle of the Big Dipper. The...
  3. GoneBaroque

    An Isreali-South African Bass Baritone

    One of my great pleasures is finding a new singer I had not previously known. An opera discussion list to which I subscribe described a concert which Gidon Saks gave recently at the Kennedy Center in Washington. This glowing review caused me to look him up. Gidon was born in Israel in 1960 to...
  4. GoneBaroque

    Who likes Astronomy?

    A Sagittarius Triplet These three bright nebulae are solar nurseries which appear in the constellation Sagittarius are some 5,000 light years away from us. The large one which is left of center is named the Lagoon Nebula and is more than 100 light-years across. Just above it and separated by...
  5. GoneBaroque

    Bach: BWV 542 from Korea

    Ran across this while exploring; a brilliant performance of JSB's Fantasia and Fugue in G minor, BWV 542 "The Great G minor" played by Jeong-hwa So on the organ at The Torchlight Center in Seoul, South Korea. Hope you enjoy it.
  6. GoneBaroque

    Canadian Composer Denis Bedard

    While some of our resident experts my be familiar with him Canadian organist, harpsichordist and composer Denis Bedard was a new discovery for me. For those who do not know his work here are a couple of samples. His Toccata played by Diane Bish on the 5 manual, 92 stop organ in the Béla Bartók...
  7. GoneBaroque

    David m. Patrick plays at katarina church stockholm

    Devonshire organist David M. Patrick, now living in Norway, plays the Third Movement of Sonata No. 4 by Alexandre Guilmant on the lovely sounding van den Heuvel organ installed in the Katarina Church, Stockholm in 2000. This is one of a series of eight fascinating videos which show pictures of...
  8. GoneBaroque

    Seven lamentations on the death of john dowland

    In 2003 Anthony Joseph Lanman composed his SEVEN LAMENTATIONS ON THE DEATH OF JOHN DOWLAND as a Concerto for alto flute and string orchestra. Lanman writes that the Seven Lamentations was written during the most difficult emotional period of his life. "The piece, modeled on John Dowland's seven...
  9. GoneBaroque

    Beware, I'm Back

    Since a set of circumstances precluded my activity on the forum for a few weeks perhaps an explanation is in order. We have been very busy on several fronts. Fortunately our health has been good but three of our grand-children are facing what appears to be the dissolution of their marriages...
  10. GoneBaroque

    Farewell To One Of The Greats

    The eminent German Baritone Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau departed from us yesterday. An Obituary from "Superconductor" and from the Guardian an appreciation of this "Titanic Figure" from Tenor Ian Bostridge...
  11. GoneBaroque

    American Organist Christopher Lane

    An interesting interview with American organist Christian Lane courtesy of "Musical Toronto" And a video of Christian discussing Registration on a 1930's Cassavant in...
  12. GoneBaroque

    Another Bach Transcription

    Dymitry Sitkovetsky conducts The New European Strings Chamber Orchestra in his Transcription for Strings of J. S. Bach's Goldberg Variations, BWV 988.
  13. GoneBaroque

    Bach's Musical Offering for Guitar Ensemble

    Todays discovery is The Guitarte music ensemble consisting of six performers (apparently headquartered in Greece) performing in concert J.S. BACH'S ¨Musical Offering¨ (MUSIKALISCHES OPFER) BWV 1079 (1747) transcribed for guitar ensemble by Nikos Hadjieleftheriou who is one of the groups...
  14. GoneBaroque

    The Trombone Section Scales New Heights

    Here is a fun video from the Trombone Section of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain.
  15. GoneBaroque

    Bach's "Coffee House" Cantata

    Leave it to Ton Koopman to perform JSB's Coffee Cantata, BWV 211 in the setting of a German Coffee House. But the informal setting is quite effective. And, of course, the music is superb.
  16. GoneBaroque

    Baroque Chamber Music Concert Video

    On April 28 of this year a concert titled "The Best of Baroque" was given at Tunxis Community College in Connecticut by harpsichordist Ed Clark, violinist Brunilda Myftaraj and cellist Kathy Schiano. The program included J. S. Bach -- Sonata III in G, for Violin, Cello & Harpsichord
  17. GoneBaroque

    Passover At the Opera

    Sundown on Friday, April 6 begins the Jewish festival of Passover or Pesach. The festival runs 7 or 8 days and opens on the first evening with a ritual accompanied by a special meal. In remembrance of this event which celebrates freedom from Slavery and the hope of a brighter future. The...
  18. GoneBaroque

    Thomas Quasthoff Speaks About His Retiremen

    The announcement of the retirement of German Bass-Baritone Thomas Quasthoff came as a shock and disappointment to many of us. In this interview he speaks to Speigel Online about his retirement, his career and life.,1518,825717,00.html
  19. GoneBaroque

    Something Different From Jonathan Scott

    I am cheating a bit here. This is not a pipe organ but talented organist Jonathan Scott plays the Totentanz by Sigfrid Karg-Elert on a 1908 Art Harmonium by Mustel, Paris at Victoria Hall, Saltaire. Totentanz (Dance of Death) is the second of two 'Orchestral Studies' for Art Harmonium written...
  20. GoneBaroque

    A Classic Recording For The Easter Season

    Sir Hugh Roberton composed one of my favorite Easter Choral Pieces, "All In The April Evening". Sir Hugh was the Founder of the Glasgow Orpheus Choir and served as its conductor from 1906 until his retirrement in 1951 at which time the Chorus was disbanded. Here he conducts his chorus in his...