Search results

  1. sparky

    Frederik in the UK Amazing Experience

    Hello every member of the MIMF I must boast about last weekend. I had the privelage of the most wonderful musical experience ie listening to Frederik Magle performing not one but two on the spot improvisations, compositions which encompassed the whole evenings recital by classical tenor Tim...
  2. sparky

    An introduction to Tim Pitman

    Hello all I hope I am posting this in the right place. John Presley an agent from London says I should try to let everyone hear Tim's music in order that we may get constructive criticism as in this way we can improve what we do, given the fact that I trust the opinions on this site after having...
  3. sparky

    musical ring tones

    Hi all :tiphat: What ring tone do you use they now say that ring tones reflect the user's demeanour and character well I'll start I use Nesson Dorma don't know what that say's about me though :cheers: Cheers Sparky
  4. sparky


    Hello once again to everyone I had not gone away had just been so deeply into work mode that I had no time for anything else but I did miss you guys & gals i did not realise it had been so long until i logged in & saw this note Hello sparky, welcome back! It appears that you have not posted on...
  5. sparky

    enquiry about our glorious leader

    I have notice, as I am sure many of you have that Frederik has not been very active on the forums I hope that this is because he is very busy making music and not because he has had too much cake, what with all the recent birthdays. Seriously I hope everything is well please let us know. Yours...
  6. sparky

    Classical Guitarist Mike Martin

    Hi all :tiphat: There is a link on to a superb classical guitarist :guitar:called Mike Martin with lots of downloads of his work even self penned truly amazing finger work:cheers: listen & enjoy Cheers Sparky
  7. sparky

    A 1st for The Glastonbury Abbey extravaganza

    Hi all :tiphat: Thought I could make all you Mozart fans jealous, I am very lucky to be going on the Sat night with a back stage pass, (Saturday's Classical on the 5th is a new turn for us in so much that we're concentrating on Mozart's best works played by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and...
  8. sparky

    Vesti la giubba

    Hi all. :tiphat: I wonder if someone would kindly point me in the right direction of a recording of Vesti la giubba not too worried who it is sung by in fact I would like several versions to enable me to compare them with a view to learning this aria which seems to be getting requested more...
  9. sparky

    Music to accompany pyrotechnics

    Hi all :tiphat:I have been asked to provide the backing music & PA system for a grand pyrotechnics display I would like to use some really fiery classical pieces that would be linked to the fireworks control panel so that the fireworks would keep time to the music any suggestions ? Frederik have...
  10. sparky

    Message for Frederik Magle

    Dear Frederik:tiphat: as promised I have sent copies of CD's to your postal address hope you like the story of Gloriam Dei. Please let me know when you receive them I know it might not be your type of music but it is meant to be a story book in music and voice directed at English folklore and...
  11. sparky


    :up: Congratulations to Michael Schumacher & Ferrari on there return to winning ways:clap: :cheers:
  12. sparky

    The Illuminati

    Has anyone got any thoughts on the Illuminati we know it exists but is it as all powerful as we are led to believe some of the articles written about it are quite frightening
  13. sparky

    Trouble with dates and times

    Hi all :tiphat: I am getting some weird times recorded as to when I last visited MIMF although when I look at the times on any posts that I have made they seem to be correct I only noticed this today. For instance I am shown as last visit today at 08:37 when it was actually around 12:00 please...
  14. sparky

    Home Recording

    Hi :tiphat:anyone interested in swapping spec's on home recording studios ie what equipment you use, what sound you strive to achieve, what mikes you like for vocal :whistle:as against instrument:guitar: :trp:, how you have equipment laid out, etc etc. What things frustrate you during...
  15. sparky

    remove attachments

    can someone tell me how to remove an attachment when it becomes out of date thanks sparky
  16. sparky

    Cubase or Cakewalk or cool edit which is best

    Hi don't know if this is the right forum but I would like to know what multi track music recording software others are using and whether anyone has compared any of them, what is your opinion which is best:clap: and which have driven you to drink:alc:Sparky :guitar:
  17. sparky

    New look website

    Hi Frederik Magle I like the way the new site is developing it is nice to see the message space is just like using word it makes everything feel so familiar just like meeting an old friend only thing I cannot find is the old waves and tiphat icons what will Annabannana do now :) Sparky
  18. sparky

    Tim Pitman at Axbridge Town Hall

    Sorry if I keep on about this guy but he is such a good entertainer his vocal renditions of classical POPRA for want of a better word are realy worth listening to He is performing at Axbridge Town Hall on the 7th April 2006 realy worth a look, try for details
  19. sparky

    Tim Pitman at Glastonbury Abbey Extravaganza

    Hi all check out the voice of Tim Pitman at our new website & please enjoy the free download comments would be appreciated thanks Sparky
  20. sparky

    are there any vocalists out there

    Strange how everyone brings up topics about every instrument except the human voice which is probably the most versatile instrument there is when used fully is there anywhere on this site for vocalist & singers